TS Day 104
TS Day 104
Sävsjön shelter - Skogsnäsudden shelter
Via Sandvik
Thursday 21 October 2021
In the morning I caught up with some journaling and listened to the rain as it rained on and off the whole morning.
Today on the schedule: procrastination because of the rain.
So I started supermegaduper late today. But my procrastinating seemed to have worked. I didn't get rain on me today! When I finally was off and ready to go, I started with walking in the wrong direction because some of the roads weren't on the map. I solved that by offroading through the forest for 200-300 metres or so.
I passed the other shelter that I had been thinking about walking to, it looked nicer, but I'm glad I didn't walk there because there were no tent spots around.
About 3-4 km later I saw that I had walked in the wrong direction again...
And after 5 km again...
It was like everytime I didn't have the phone in my hand or everytime I did something else on my phone than stare on my map, I took a wrong turn somewhere.
When I was finally starting to become happy again because the sun was shining and I was singing, I realised I'd taken another wrong turn... This time MORE THAN ONE KM BACK!
To say that this made me frustrated is just an understatement.
I finally arrived in Sandvik, where I refilled all my water bottles at a building next to the church that had a tap. I then continued, and now it was dark. I was also in a hurry, because I knew I would reach a privy, and I really REALLY needed one.
When I reached Skogsnäsudden it was such a relief!
It was very windy and the ground was very wet, but I finally managed to pitch my tent. The ground was very soft though, so twice I had to get out and fix the tent stakes. Once was in the middle of the night 😳🥱
Distance: 27.5 km
Start time: 12:24
End time: 19:10
Ascent: 333 m
Descent: 363 m
Snickers eaten: 2
Totals (from Grövelsjön)
Distance: 963.7 km
Ascent: 13,239 m
Descent: 13,924 m
Tent nights: 13
Shelter nights: 5
Ice cream eaten: 13
Snickers eaten: 40
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 2,395.9 km
Ascent: 46,366 m
Descent: 46,998 m
Tent nights: 55/104
Snickers eaten: 82
Ice cream eaten: 36
Getting ready for today's walk.
Short beautiful moments ❤️
An old railway embarkment out here!?
Rocking that 3 day old braid!