TS Day 105
TS Day 105
Skogsnäsudden shelter - Sandsjön shelter
Via Kinnared
Friday 22 October 2021
I didn't sleep so well tonight. It was a lot colder, and that makes it harder to sleep.
My try to get going early didn't work out this time either. Since I was cold, I stayed in my sleeping bag for the entire morning, and used my phone a lot. I also talked to Lukas. Today was his birthday 🥳
When I finally got going I got to enjoy the sun.
When I reached Barslida I walked through someone's property and they were outside working. They asked if I was hiking along Gislavedsleden, which I was. I stood there for quite some time talking to the lady and it was really pleasant talking to someone! They then explained that the trail wasn't well-maintained up ahead and that it was overgrown. They tried to explain to me how to walk around, but since I wasn't sure exactly where this spot was due to a misunderstanding from my side, I decided to try to walk through it anyway. Bad mistake. When I got through, something clicked in my head and I suddenly understood exactly how they had meant me to walk around. Oh well!
(Will try to post a picture of this!)
I then walked on until I came to Grytered where I took a short break, found a geocache and took a picture of the church. Then I continued on towards Kinnared. In Kinnared I bought some bread and snacks at the store. Earlier, I'd been in contact with a woman through Facebook and her partner lived in Kinnared, and she told me I could refill my water bottles there and use the toilet ❤️ So very kind! So, this I got to do at her partner's house, and I also got to charge my phone and I talked to him a lot. I think I was there for probably two hours! 😱 So I finally had to get going because it was getting dark, and I had about 15 km left to walk today.
Before leaving Kinnared I found a FTI station and threw my recycling, and then continued. The first part was asphalt and no cars so really easy to walk on in the dark. But soon, at Mårenas, north of Rydöbruk, I had to walk on a path, and that wasn't great. It wasn't really well-maintained and it was also really wet. I was glad when I finally was on the other side again. After that I just walked on and on until I reached Sandsjön, where I pitched my tent for the night.
Distance: 34.8 km
Start time: 10:55
End time: 21:07
Ascent: 345 m
Descent: 371 m
Snickers eaten: 4
Totals (from Grövelsjön)
Distance: 998.5 km
Ascent: 13,584 m
Descent: 14,295 m
Tent nights: 14
Shelter nights: 5
Ice cream eaten: 13
Snickers eaten: 44
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 2,430.7 km
Ascent: 46,711 m
Descent: 47,369 m
Tent nights: 56/105
Snickers eaten: 86
Ice cream eaten: 36
Skognäsudden in the morning.
Combing my hair while walking today.
Passed a big bunch of sheep staring at me.
Gryterud church.
I reached Halland!
Recycling 🎶