TS Day 74

TS Day 74

Kläppenskjulet - Völån

Via Backtäkten, Ö Sälsätern, Sälen

Tuesday 21 September 2021

During the night, I woke up over and over again, and every time I woke up, it was either windy, raining - or both. I had a slow cold morning but finally got going. When I came to Källfjället, I decided to detour from my original route (and Via Suecia) because it was so foggy and just generally shitty. Going up over 150 m on the mountain didn't seem like a great idea to me and my wet and freezing toes, so I took the path past the old fäbodvallar and rea he'd Backtäkten. From here on, I walked on a dirt road all the way until I was almost in Ö Sälsätern, where the road turned into asphalt and also got a lot more trafficked. It felt odd. On my way to Burger King, I past a recycle station where I threw my recycling. Then I headed to Burger King, hoping for some power outlets so I could charge my Powerbank, since I changed my plans. Originally I was going to have a rest day in Sälen, but now I was just going to stop to charge my Powerbank so I could make it to Mora. While sitting at Burger King charging my Powerbank for 3 hours, I had time to eat two meals, call Lukas, and borrow the Wi-Fi. Everything felt much better after this!

But finally I had to leave, even though I didn't really want to. I ended up staying about an hour longer than I was supposed to, so I had to hurry now.

I walked over to Ica and had a list with what I wanted to buy - and they had everything, so it was super quick. Basically I bought bread, snacks and ice cream... 😄 The food I had would last me to Mora.

So I got going, my pack heavy but my steps light as I was filled with energy from the pause and from talking to Lukas. I was going to make it to Mora before the weekend!

I passed through Sälen by, enjoying the beautiful surroundings as I looked out over the houses and the water. Then, after crossing through the village, I found the road that was likely "the old road" before Route 66 was made. It looked like a forest road, so it was really nice to walk on too. Here I walked and ate my ice cream at the same time.

When I reached the start of Vasaloppsleden, the sun was soon about to set, and I reached the highest point of Vasaloppsleden in the twilight. But I took my headlamp and marched in through the dark forest.

Finally I reached the shelter at Völån. Unfortunately it was another one of those with narrow benches, and this one so narrow that I absolutely couldn't sleep on them. Muttering for myself, I found a flat tent spot close to the shelter - only to find myself pitching my tent in the path again. I ignored it, and hoped no one would walk their dog here in the morning or something.


Favourite: The pause at Burger King!

Distance: 27.2 km

Start time: 09:16

End time: 19:18

Ascent: 464 m

Descent: 674 m

Snickers eaten: 1

Ice cream eaten: 1

Totals (from Grövelsjön)

Distance: 199.8 km

Ascent: 3,534 m

Descent: 3,878 m

Tent nights: 5

Ice cream eaten: 4

Snickers eaten: 6

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 1,632.0 km

Ascent: 36,661 m

Descent: 36,452 m

Tent nights: 47/74

Snickers eaten: 49

Ice cream eaten: 27

It was foggy this morning, so I decided not to go up on Östfjället.

It was foggy this morning, so I decided not to go up on Östfjället.

Yaaay, Burger King!

Yaaay, Burger King!

I got bread!

I got bread!

Sälen by looks cozy in the evening light.

Sälen by looks cozy in the evening light.

That's a weird hut just by the side of the road?

That's a weird hut just by the side of the road?

Walking and eating ice cream is the best!

Walking and eating ice cream is the best!

Let's start Vasaloppsleden!

Let's start Vasaloppsleden!

Reached the highest point!

Reached the highest point!

Foggy tonight as well.

Foggy tonight as well.


TS Day 75


TS Day 73