TS Day 82

TS Day 82

Källbäcken - Rönnäset

Via Nyhammar

Wednesday 29 September 2021

I didn't sleep too well tonight, but I never do when inside nowadays. I was warm, and dry - so that was nice!

In the morning, while having breakfast, Birgitta and Sven-Erik came over again. I thanked them again for letting me sleep there, and we talked a little more about my hike. Then, they headed off to walk some dogs they were taking care of, and I finished my breakfast and packed my bag.

Today's hike was going to be very straightforward, literally. I was going to follow an old railway embarkment all the way past Nyhammar, to Rönnäset today. The Via Suecia only follow the embarkment to Malingsån, then crosses the water to go on the other side to Nyhammar. This was a detour, and the embarkment was nice to walk on, so I didn't see any point in doing that. The embarkment was made of packed sand, straight and flat which makes for fast walking 😎 It rained a little bit all day, but mostly just a drizzle. Didn't start out with my poncho - again, but soon put it on because I got wet through my rain jacket. At Salå station I took a break under a fir to call my mum, but after that I didn't take any other breaks until I came to Ljustjärnen, so after 16 km or so. I just walked and walked today. And kept myself busy by having different conversations in my head. I thought about a story I've worked on for ages, I thought about what jobs I should apply to when I get home, I thought about myself, how I am as a person. That it doesn't matter what it is about, when somethings gets too repeated I get bored. It's been a theme my entire life. Hobbies, food, job etc, whenever it is too similar, too many routines, I get bored out of my mind and start disliking it. This, was something I pondered for a long time, thinking about what I could do differently, to avoid this feeling. I'm not sure I came up with anything of value though...

Finally I reached Nyhammar's old train station, were I left the embarkment to go to Coop. At Coop I bought some snacks and food to eat on the go, and then went back on the embarkment. It didn't take too long until I saw some familiar people up ahead. It was my mum, my dad and their dog Uma. Uma was really happy to see me! And of course, my parents too (but they weren't as loud about it 😄).

They had booked a cabin in Rönnäset, so we walked there, had dinner - pasta bolognese with zucchini, and then finished the evening sitting an hour in the sauna.


Favourite: Meeting my parents again!

Distance: 28.7 km

Start time: 10:10

End time: 18:55

Ascent: 95 m

Descent: 144 m

Snickers eaten: 1

Totals (from Grövelsjön)

Distance: 403.6 km

Ascent: 5,715 m

Descent: 6,399 m

Tent nights: 7

Ice cream eaten: 9

Snickers eaten: 14

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 1,835.8 km

Ascent: 38,842 m

Descent: 38,973 m

Tent nights: 49/82

Snickers eaten: 57

Ice cream eaten: 32

Newly made braid, yay!

Newly made braid, yay!

Let's leave lovely Prästbuo!

Let's leave lovely Prästbuo!

Today's trail.

Today's trail.

“Spår från en svunnen tid” (“Traces from a bygone area” / “(Train) tracks from a bygone area”)

“Spår från en svunnen tid” (“Traces from a bygone area” / “(Train) tracks from a bygone area”)

I followed a little creek in the road for reeeeaaally long, then it just disappeared into the road.

I followed a little creek in the road for reeeeaaally long, then it just disappeared into the road.


TS Day 83


TS Day 81