TS Day 83
TS Day 83
Via Östanbjörka, Prästhyttan
Thursday 30 September 2021
This morning, it wasn't Lukas nagging on me to hurry up, like it had been earlier on the hike, now it was my mum doing it instead 😄
We got going almost an hour later than planned, but then again, we were going to walk fairly short today.
The hike today wasn't too eventful, and we followed the old railway embarkment again, but here they had remade it into an asphalt road for pedestrians and cyclists.
At first, walking was hard because dad passed us on his bike (he was out geocaching) so Uma pulled on the leash like crazy! Then, we caught up to him and passed him, and she was pulling the leash in the opposite direction. The pack needed to be together! I wished there was a way to explain to her that that wasn't the case.
And when she wasn't crazy about dad not being with us, she was stressed out about other things - cars, bikes, mopeds, other pedestrians etc. My mum has a back problem so this was a bit tough...
At points we had some views though, but the hard asphalt was tough for my feet, and I was really happy when we finally got closer to Ludvika.
When we passed Hammarbacken we went to Våffelbruket, and my dad met us with their car. We all had a waffle each, and something to drink, then it was time for mum and I to keep going. This time Uma got to go with dad, who headed straight to the apartment they had rented.
Mum and I walked to Ica to buy me food for the upcoming section and for breakfast, then we walked over to the apartment. There, we just had time for all of us to shower basically, then we were going to the movies! No Time To Die, the last(?) James Bond movie, were premiering today, so we decided to go. It was really nice, spending time with my parents and doing something other than thinking about the hike for a while!
Favourite: Sleeping inside, going to the movies
Distance: 23.7 km
Start time: 10:12
End time: 17:24
Ascent: 74 m
Descent: 59 m
Snickers eaten: 2
Ice cream eaten: 1
Totals (from Grövelsjön)
Distance: 427.3 km
Ascent: 5,789 m
Descent: 6,458 m
Tent nights: 7
Ice cream eaten: 10
Snickers eaten: 16
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 1,859.5 km
Ascent: 38,916 m
Descent: 39,032 m
Tent nights: 49/83
Snickers eaten: 59
Ice cream eaten: 33
Dad outside the house in Rönnäset in the morning.
I had audience while logging a geocache in the morning.
Very cute bulls that I also said hello to.
Morning views.
We passed an old train station that nowadays serves as a cottage.
Waffles at Våffelbruket!