Lukas & Kim

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TS Day 87

TS Day 87

Olovsjön shelter - Nyberget

Via Stjärnfors, Grönhult

Monday 4 October 2021

Today I woke to a calm morning. I felt very peaceful, and not motivated to get up.

The day before I had an idea that I could get up and get going early, and reach a shelter 7 km further away than I had originally planned, but let's just say it didn't turn out that way. By the time I had meant to leave, I had just started to get up and make breakfast. Woops.

Just as I was packing my bag and brushing my teeth, almost ready to leave, a man and a dog walked past the shelter. He stopped and we talked a bit about the trail, about running etc. He had seen my Facebook post on Bergslagsleden's Facebook group, and was a bit curious about me (since I had mentioned I was going from Treriksröset to Smygehuk and all). When we stopped talking, it was already past noon, so I got going right away.

At first the trail was kind on me, and I really enjoyed walking the first, maybe 1 km. But it soon became quite like yesterday, and I was fighting my way forward. I talked to Lukas twice on the phone today, and made slow progress. Meanwhile, I got to see two military aircraft out for a flight!

After quitting the second call, I thought a lot about what Lukas had said, and after some more really wet trail conditions, where the trail had turned completely into a creek, I decided to listen to him. So I steered off the trail, and walked on forest roads and dirt roads until I reached Nyberget. Halfway there I had turned on my headlamp, and soon it was completely dark. I found a path in the darkness that, according to the map, would lead me to a shelter, so I followed it. I didn't find the shelter, but I had already decided to pitch my tent, so when I found a huuuuge flat grass area, I pitched my tent there instead. I had missed sleeping in my tent actually!

But in the evening, as I went to fetch water, I found the shelter just by the edge of the water. It looked to be in a good condition, but it didn't matter now since I had already pitched my tent.

Then, back in the tent, just as I was about to fall asleep, it started raining. A lot. It was very loud. Yay, I had actually hoped for a dry tent the next morning. But that seemed unnecessary. Oh well.


Favourite: The calm morning

Distance: 24.5 km

Start time: 12:16

End time: 19:36

Ascent: 502 m

Descent: 459 m

Snickers eaten: 1

Totals (from Grövelsjön)

Distance: 514.7 km

Ascent: 7,600 m

Descent: 8,227 m

Tent nights: 8

Shelter nights: 2

Ice cream eaten: 11

Snickers eaten: 20

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 1,946.9 km

Ascent: 40,727 m

Descent: 40,801 m

Tent nights: 50/87

Snickers eaten: 63

Ice cream eaten: 34

Morning from the shelter.

The trail started well, and I was happy. Little did I know…

Later on there were some creeks running straight through the trail…

And here the trail is a creek.