TS Day 94

TS Day 94

Mosjön shelter - Alebacken shelter

Via Ramundeboda

Monday 11 October 2021

Today I actually woke up fairly early, but it was very cozy in my sleeping bag, and surfing on my phone was nice, so I didn't get up and get going until really late.

Today was the second day in a row now with sunshine, and one of very few days since Grövelsjön where I got to see the sun! So I was really happy.

Fairly early on today's walk I came to Ramundeboda, where I did some touristing around the ruins of the monastery there. I also met a couple that had a fika break there, but we only exchanged a few words.

A couple of km later, I took off my rain gear and only walked in shorts and my thin long-sleeved wool shirt - and it wasn't cold!

The day and the kms progressed slowly, and I used my phone a lot while walking.

The terrain here was dry and easy to walk on though so I was really happy about that.

At Kråksjön I took another break to find a geocache. It seemed like such a nice place! While sitting there, an aircraft flew by just above the trees! It was so close.

The terrain from Kråksjön and onwards to Gråmon was lovely. In Gråmon I took another geocache-break, but I also took a toilet break and put on the rain gear again since it was starting to get colder. I also prepped with my headlamp and reflective straps across my chest, since I wasn't going to reach the shelter I wanted to before sunset, and I was going to walk along roads, even if they were just dirt roads.

And it was good that I did, because one car and one truck passed me that evening.

The shelter I reached seemed nice and clean, which was appreciated. And a high roof which I like too, for my arachnophobia 😅 I don't know why, but maybe because the spiders are often in the roof, and it feels better if they're further away.

Now to the "funny" part of the day. I was going to stay awake for a bit to see if I could get to see some northern lights. So around 8 PM I prepared my dinner (a freeze-dried meal), crawled into my sleeping bag and hugged my dinner inside my sleeping bag to keep warm.

And next thing I know, when I look at my watch, it's just minutes before 11 PM. I blink in confusion - I must have fallen asleep for 2-3 hours! Luckily, the food was still warm so I quickly ate it. Then I checked Facebook to read about the northern lights again. Just to find out that I had missed it... People in Stockholm, Gotland and Norrköping had seen it, around 9:30 and 10 PM. So when I was asleep... I don't know what it is! I always miss it, no matter the circumstances! I'm doubting I'll ever get to see it...

A while later, I decided to put my socks and shoes on to walk away to pee before going to bed... Just to find two of these long-legged spiders sitting on my things! One just beside the socks I was going to put on. I tried not to panic, as I squashed them with the back of the pot lid, then cleaned the mess with some paper. I watched the spiders' legs twitch for a really long time, which sent shivers down my spine.

I wish I could just get rid of this illogical fear!

Finally, really, REALLY late in the night (or rather, morning), I decided to put away my phone to try to sleep for a few hours.


Distance: 31.9 km

Start time: 10:21

End time: 19:26

Ascent: 345 m

Descent: 291 m

Totals (from Grövelsjön)

Distance: 668.6 km

Ascent: 9,536 m

Descent: 10,184 m

Tent nights: 8

Shelter nights: 5

Ice cream eaten: 12

Snickers eaten: 23

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 2,100.8 km

Ascent: 42,663 m

Descent: 42,758 m

Tent nights: 50/94

Snickers eaten: 66

Ice cream eaten: 35



A reminder that nothing lasts forever…

A reminder that nothing lasts forever…

Super creepy thing just by the side of the road!?

Super creepy thing just by the side of the road!?

I found a giant rock!

I found a giant rock!

Kråksjön shelter.

Kråksjön shelter.

This is my favourite kind of trail terrain!

This is my favourite kind of trail terrain!

Ready for some night hiking.

Ready for some night hiking.


TS Day 95


TS Day 92-93