GB Day 45
GB Day 45:
Via Raukaselet, Tjärnbäcken
Monday 23 August 2021
Lukas woke up early today too. As did Peter, and while Peter was having breakfast, Lukas went outside to pee. Lukas then went to bed, and when Peter left, we said goodbye to him, because now we wouldn't see him again. We then fell asleep again... And slept for two more hours!
But it was so nice outside, and really great to have breakfast inside the cabin. Before leaving, Kim wrote in the travel log book and Lukas cleaned.
When we got going the trail was okay. We knew it would be wet from now on, and didn't think it was all too bad. According to the map, the winter trail and summer trail separated at a few places, but we just followed the winter trail all the time and it worked out fine.
Suddenly we crossed a meadow, and stepped onto the end of a road and were surrounded by houses. Slightly confused (we saw people there too!?) we followed the road which was way longer than we had expected. Somewhere in the middle of the road we met another hiker. He asked if we were Gröna Bandare, and he was one too. It was Bryden Bowley, a Gröna Bandare that we actually found out about just the day before as we scrolled through the list of people who had signed up. After a short stop to talk to him, we continued down the road and had lunch by the bridge that crossed over the outlet of the lake Raukasjön. From here started a hike following a "winter and summer trail" that was literally just a winter trail. Kilometres upon kilometres of bogs across the mountain. Half was bogs and half was brushwood and shrubbery. Walking on the bog was fine, sure it was wet, but the weather was nice and it was really soft for our feet. Walking uphill on the bog on the other hand... Was like biking with a broken tire. Ouff.
Not much happened during this hike, and except for Brydon and the people in Raukasjö, we only saw three reindeer. Finally we came to a shelter - Tjärnbäcken, and almost ran the last bit because we both really needed to use the privy!
When we came here we didn't want to stop. We had already talked about how nice it would be to reach Ankerede and beat our old distance record. We also joked about walking across the beach and putting up our tent side by side with Peter's tent, because we knew where he'd planned to sleep.
So we continued after the shelter towards Ankarede. First through more bogs, but when we had about 6 km left to walk, suddenly we saw a real summer trail going into the forest. Very weird. It even had really old footbridges and marks on the trees!
After some more km we reached Lejarfallet. Here we didn't feel like running after Peter anymore, because we suddenly got really, really tired. So we decided to just make it to Ankarede before sunset. After Lejarfallet the time passed slowly, but here the trail was wider, better marked and also built with better footbridges. Maybe a touristy thing connected to Vildmarksvägen?
When we reached Ankarede we suddenly started meeting and seeing people. We also found a geocache, before finding a flat little spot outside the Kyrkby where we could have a quick dinner and sleep for the night.
Favourite: Walking downhill in the bog (nice and soft)
Distance: 38.7 km
Start time: 09:36
End time: 20:59
Ascent: 558 m
Descent: 971 m
Gröna Bandare spotted: 1
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 936.2 km
Ascent: 22,449 m
Descent: 22,508 m
Tent nights: 32/45
Gröna Bandare spotted: 21 + 1 🐶
Via Suecia-hikers spotted: 2/4
Snickers eaten: 33
Ice cream eaten: 18
Writing in the log book before leaving.
Morning selfie in Slipsik.
Cozy forests on our way to Raukasjö.
Lunch stop at the bridge across Raukasjö.
Then came endless bogs…
Almost in Ankarede, we got forests instead of bogs.