GB Day 55-57

GB Day 55-57:

Rest days with Elise

Thursday 2 September 2021 to Saturday 4 September 2021

Thursday started with sleeping in and then some breakfast. After that we didn't do much else than spend time in the sofa while the wind was raging outside so the entire house was creaking. Today there were gusts of over 20 m/s and also some rain. While waiting for Elise to get home from work we organized our packing and Lukas had a small lunch from leftovers. We then washed some clothes, made a really nice taco dinner and played Ticket to Ride.

On Friday we went up early to be driven to Åre by Elise and spend the day there while she was working. We started the day with a breakfast buffet at Åre Bageri which was really nice. We stayed there for a few hours until we went outside to look for geocaches, pole tips and socks for Kim. It took some tries at different stores, none of them seemed to have pole tips, but at Hanson Kim found socks. While Kim was looking at the socks, a man who seemed to work with the brand Falke that makes socks, tried to sell them to us and he talked a lot about them. Finally, we picked both a pair of Falke socks and a pair of Icebreaker socks. When we had decided, he asked which ones we picked, and when Kim just in the passing, said something along the lines of "we'll see if they hold for another 1500 km", he got very curious and asked what we will be doing, and Kim said that she's going to Smygehuk. He seemed really impressed by this, and after walking away and talking to some other people in the store, he gave Kim a pair of free socks and asked about our Instagram so he could follow us and also so he could get to know how well they would hold up.

We then, happy, went to Ica and once again - bought too many bars and too much snacks for the upcoming days... We then went to Intersport that was in the same building, and again, asked for pole tips. The lady in the store wasn't sure if they had them, but showed us where that section were. And they happened to have pole tips! Just one package, but still! They had pole tips! So we bought them right away, and also bought two packs of freeze-dried food. We then went to the Pharmacy before going back to Åre Bageri to try their gelato that we'd been hyping since April or something... Unfortunately not as good as we'd imagined it to be, but it was okay. We also bought a sandwhich and coffee, then stayed at the café until Elise arrived a few hours later. We then had pizza there together, before taking another stroll through Åre to take some geocaches. We then drove to Fröå Mine and explored the area and took some more geocaches. They had a really cool flat road system that was actually moving!

After this it quickly got dark, so we started to drive home. On the way back we had to stop for as much three elks! And a fox.

Saturday morning we slept in and had a cozy breakfast. We packed some of our stuff and went to Ica with Elise to send back home a box of stuff we didn't need. We also took some more geocaches before going back home to play some Ticket to Ride. Which Lukas won... Again. After this it was time to prepare food and eat together with Elise's parents. When Elise was opening her beer, it foamed so much that there was beer on the table, on her plate, on Lukas' leg... But we managed to save the situation!

After this we quickly got more tired, and soon went to bed.


Favourite: Tacos, Ticket to Ride

Ice cream eaten: 1

Snickers: 1


Favourite: Breakfast at Åre Bageri

Ice cream eaten: 2


Favourite: Geocaching with Elise

Totals (from Treriksröset)

Distance: 1,191.1 km

Ascent: 27,397 m

Descent: 27,408 m

Tent nights: 36/57

Gröna Bandare spotted: 23 + 2 🐶

Via Suecia-hikers spotted: 2/4

Snickers eaten: 37

Ice cream eaten: 23

Fly hunt.

Fly hunt.

Elise and Kim had a laugh attack.

Elise and Kim had a laugh attack.

Breakfast at Åre Bageri!

Breakfast at Åre Bageri!

Trying the gelato at Åre Bageri.

Trying the gelato at Åre Bageri.

Pizza with Elise!

Pizza with Elise!

Fröå Gruva.

Fröå Gruva.

Yay, new pole tips!

Yay, new pole tips!


GB Day 58


GB Day 54