GB Day 58
GB Day 58:
Via Bonäset
Sunday 5 September 2021
Today we got up after 7 AM, packed our bags and went down to have breakfast. Then, Kim was just generally really slow, and yesterday Lukas had said that we wouldn't get going before 10 AM, while Kim promptly said that we would. Lukas happened to be right...
Finally we got going and went all the way back to Sölvesved, said goodbye to Elise and then started walking. We walked and walked, stopping only for short breaks and to say hi to some cows by the side of the road. When we finally crossed the bridge over Kallsjön, we stopped for a short lunch break. After the break we left the asphalt for some dirt roads through the forest, then off onto a small path up onto a deforested area. Here it was both wet and a lot of wind traps. So it took really long until we finally reached the road again. By now, Kim's knee had started to hurt again. It was almost as if she had jinxed it all by sending home her knee support the day before...
Out on the road Kim found a really cool geocache that, just as the name had suggested, was not what she had expected (see the pictures). We then continued towards our AirBnB we had booked in Björnen. Because of Kim's knee, and some very sore feet, it went slower and slower. But we finally got there. Then we relaxed, watched some films on the TV, had dinner and showered. Kim also went out to take another geocache before going to bed.
Favourite: The funny geocache spot and getting out on the trail again!
Distance: 26.4 km
Start time: 10:46
End time: 18:32
Ascent: 513 m
Descent: 430 m
Totals (from Treriksröset)
Distance: 1,217.5 km
Ascent: 27,910 m
Descent: 27,838 m
Tent nights: 36/58
Gröna Bandare spotted: 23 + 2 🐶
Via Suecia-hikers spotted: 2/4
Snickers eaten: 36
Ice cream eaten: 20
We said hello to some cows.
Lunch break!
Can you see the elk?
Some wind traps across our path…
Kim found a strange privy in the forest…