NPL Day 57 & GB Day 33

Day 57: Saturday 12 August 2023

East of Gammelkallfjellet-Røyrvik via Storfossen

Rain showers came and left all night but in the morning we only had wind! So we packed a dry tent 😍 But we expected rain later, so we didn't walk too far before eating breakfast. While eating, the temperature dropped and more clouds showed up.

The terrain was good and we had a fast pace. We passed two tents, then we saw a third one!? There was a woman outside that we talked to. More about that in the next post...

We continued up and around some hills, over wetlands then over a deep stream. It was a little tricky to pass but we did good. Then we started to descend and more trees and bushes appeared, and now it started to rain. We kept our good pace as we reached the second stream that was easy to cross. Then we saw people, they were also aiming for the same path as us.

We passed a man with two dogs. Apparently he and another woman were hiking the E1 trail over several years. He also said he was with a group of 7 and 3 dogs. They were going to take the boat this day so we asked if we could join, since the boats were small. But he thought that it would work.

We were a bit faster than them though, so we arrived at the shelter long before them. While waiting, we used the toilet there. When Kim was on the toilet, Lukas saw a boat coming. It was the boat owner with some friends on a sightseeing tour. The boat driver came over to talk, and asked if we wanted a ride, which we of course wanted. Luckily it was two seats over which meant we would fit.

They were just going to drink some coffee and eat some fika. Unfortunately he had forgotten to bring cups, but luckily he had coca-cola with him too, that he didn't need cups for. Now Kim joined, and they gave us a brownie each 😍 It was sooo tasty!

The group of 7 came, and Lukas had already told the driver that they were coming. We sat down in the boat and the smell of the boat gave Lukas a memory of Florida. The boat was fast and the water was still. We arrived at the dock and paid, and were happy to be able to reach Limingen Gjestegård already today, one day earlier than planned. Just to be on the safe side, Lukas called to make sure that there was a room available. Then we started the 15 km road walk.

While hiking along the road, a man that was passing us with a car asked if we wanted a ride. Since we had to walk we thanked him for his offer but said we couldn't.

We also saw goats for the first time, and some cows. Kim stopped a few times to grab some geocaches too, but soon we arrived at the Gjestegård (just before seven).

Here we got well taken care of! Access to the washing machine and dry room. The dry room wasn't smelling too nice though because of the group of 7 people's boots 😅😩 They got s ride from the boat to Gjestegården and managed to arrive before us.

While the washer washed our clothes we ate food - delicious burger and chicken stew with french fries, and Lukas also had a beer.

After a shower we put in the last laundry and waited for it to be done, then we went to sleep.


Distance: 35.83 km

Start time: 08:10

End time: 18:53

Ascent: 378 m

Descent: 763 m

Tent nights: 40/58

Total distance from the North Cape: 1385.28 km


Thoughts from Børgefjell 💭


NPL Day 56 & GB Day 32