Lukas & Kim

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NPL Day 78

Day 78: Saturday 2 September 2023


We had so much time this morning which felt great. We ate breakfast together and made another fire in the fire stove. We even had time to play cards. So we continued our game of "Plump" that we had started yesterday evening. Elisabeth was worrying about the coming section since she had read that it was supposed to be harder than the first two sections. Over the first mountain the trail was super good and easy. Easier than the days before.

Today we had cold winds and a little bit of rain, or rather - we walked through very misty clouds.

We came down a valley and reached a shieling. It feels like every valley in this area has a shieling and they are just so cozy and beautiful 😍 We sat down on our EVA pads close together to stay warm in the cold weather. After the break it was time to climb the next mountain. So far so good with the trail. When we checked the map again we realised that the hard part is going to come when we will descend. 500 m vertical meters almost straight down. We stopped many times on the way down, to breathe, to take a geocache and to take photos. Once we saw a Siberian jay quite close, but unfortunately it flew away before any of us could catch it on camera. They are so beautiful 😍

We finally reached another valley and the tough descent was over. Down there we saw some sheep that Lukas desparately tried to befriend.

From here there was a steep climb up to the hut. Lukas walked faster and reached the hut long before the rest. He carried in water and later when the others came, we went to matbua and picked out what food to eat this evening. Then Lukas made a fire, we made ourselves a bit fresher with some water and cooked dinner. We had arrived really early so we had plenty of time. Lukas and Patrik even had time to play some badminton.

After dinner and some snacks, we played Yahtzee. Then it was already late and time to go to bed.

This - walking hut to hut, is something we really need to do again! So nice, especially with these shorter distances (below 20 km).


Distance: 14.79 km

Start time: 11:24

End time: 16:31

Ascent: 566 m

Descent: 750 m

Tent: 52/79