NPL Day 95
Day 95: Tuesday 19 September 2023
When we woke up in the morning the weather had calmed down a bit. Almost no wind, just some rain. According to the forecast the heavy rain and wind would calm down before noon, so we were in no rush this morning. Instead, we tried to sleep in now that we could.
We discussed back and forth about what to do, but in the end we decided to just walk the 15 km to Iungdalshytta. We started just before eleven, together with Mari. The weather was a lot better but it still went really slow. Especially for Kim since rocky terrain isn't exactly her speciality.
It was really nice with another person to talk to. After arriving, Lukas and Mari took a swim in the cold nearby lake. We had been thinking about going all the way to Geiterrygghytta but decided against it because of the weather, terrain and that it was closed. After that we started to think about alternative routes we could take tomorrow, and discussed them together in the evening. We also discussed if we should continue 5 more km today and pitch our tent. It probably would have worked out fine, but it was so much nicer to stay in a hut another night.
Distance: 16.21 km
Start time: 10:47
End time: 17:05
Ascent: 458 m
Descent: 929 m
Tent: 56/96