NPL Day 96
Day 96: Wednesday 20 September 2023
Iungdalshytta-Kittilsbuflaten via Storestølen
We had another easy morning and ate breakfast together with Mari. Then it was finally time to leave and go separate ways. We started with 5 km uphill in rain and snow and it felt like forever until we reached the point where we were going straight down. 200 m down to a river and quite steep. Here the wind got worse too, which didn't exactly help. Down by the river we came across something strange... Planks!??
After another crossing and up and down several smaller hills, we only had the steep descent down to Storestølen left. There was a hotel there that was open, and we went inside to have lunch and check the availability of the rooms. The cheapest ones cost over 2000 NOK. We told her we would think about it when we were eating, but that we would prefer to hike further today. After finishing the food - that was okay but the portions were too small for hungry hikers (none of us got full and we were still hungry when we left).
Since our clothes were wet it was nice to stay a bit longer, catch up with the blog and some other internet things, since we hadn't had internet for a few days. The lady came by several times, once when we were eating to ask if the food was good, then again when we had finished, to ask if we wanted to see the rooms? We kindly explained that we wanted to have a shorter hiking day tomorrow so we needed to continue.
As we sat there, Lukas saw that there was some tea, so he asked if we could have a cup each and she thought a little, then said yes.
So we sat down with our cups, warmed ourselves a little and tried to finish our things we needed to catch up with.
When we were done we got ready, visited the bathroom one last time and prepared ourselves for road walking to Geiterrygghytta in the rain. Just as we were about to leave, she asked Lukas (because Kim was already outside) if we weren't going to pay for our tea? 60 NOK for two cups of tea...
After what had felt like quilt-tripping us into staying at their hotel, and then after eating lunch there, we had kind of thought the tea would be included in the small meal. Or at least that she would have said how much it cost when we first asked about it, but no...
As we road walked we were really glad we didn't stay. In the beginning she seemed very nice but in the end she didn't anymore, so we wouldn't have wanted to stay anyway.
We made it almost all the way to Geiterrygghytta, and pitched our tent there as it was getting dark. Some gusts of wind made it hard to sleep, but we finally managed.
Distance: 31.24 km
Start time: 09:13
End time: 19:58
Ascent: 1116 m
Descent: 1051 m
Tent: 57/97