GB Day 5-6

GB Day 4

GB Day 3

GB Day 2

GB Day 1


GB Day -1

Via Suecia - official now!?

Days of lasts
The last few days, the departure day has come ever closer, and today IS the day! Still quite hard to believe. On Monday we handed in the all the boxes of food and stuff that we will pickup along the way. We really hope nothing gets lost!

Packing mania!
And so another week has come to its end.
With just over 2 weeks left until we leave for Treriksröset, things are finally beginning to slow down. At least when it comes to our Gröna Bandet planning/packing. At home, there are still lots and lots of things to do to just prepare for being gone for almost 3 months.
We were in the newspaper!
As time goes on and we get closer to starting our big hike, everything just keeps getting intenser. Last Friday we were in our local newspaper (yay!), but other than that and a new pair of Altra Lone Peak (I've officially joined the Altra-club now), our preparations for the hike have pretty much been set on hold. We went to see a friend and Lukas' sisters, and had a really nice and cozy weekend together, because yesterday was my 25th birthday (😱).
Hello, Grövelsjön 👋
Let's talk local! 🌍🌱
By now I suppose you already know the importance of buying and supporting local, especially now during the pandemic since a lot of small stores and services (and big ones too) have had to close down.
When we realised we needed to buy oats for our Gröna Bandet-hike, Kim immediately thought about Skafferiet in Västerås since it's one of her favourite stores. There you can buy organic products that aren't packaged, and you can bring your own containers to fill with whatever you need.

Foooood! 🍫🍜
Lately, the intensity has grown to a whole new level, and we’re sure it will get even more intense as we go into the final stage of packing and preparing for our Gröna Bandet-hike. Here are some photos from what we’re up to at the moment - buying, drying, preparing and packing food. And snacks. Food and snacks are life!
Summer came!?
Summer came, and went?
Wednesday was really warm. Just a few days ago we had minus degrees in the mornings when going to work, and suddenly the sun was blazing and it was around 22°C. Summer was suddenly here, and it was lovely, but it was so sudden that it just made me extremely exhausted. While Lukas was off paddling Voxnan with some friends, I had to keep myself busy with something too.

Preliminary, kinda official plans
Lots of things are going on with our upcoming Gröna Bandet hike. One thing I’ve been trying to polish is our plans. Among other things, I made GPX-maps of how we are planning to walk (keep in mind that this might change many times over!), and I also made an entire page for our hike, which you can find here.
“Tiny life” for a weekend
So for Christmas this year, I got the present to sleep in a Tiny House for a weekend at Inforest, which I have been wanting to try for quite some time. Those of you who know Lukas and I probably also already know that we having been talking about wanting to live in a Tiny House in the future.

Easter 2021
So as mentioned earlier, we were planning to hike during Easter. We had several trails to decide from, but in the end we chose Upplandsleden, and the part Siggefora-Enköping. We also brought three of our friends along, and their four-legged friend Diesel. The weather was okay - your typical spring weather with winds, hail and sunshine.

Easter preparations
What is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of preparations for Easter? Decorating the house, hiding eggs, painting eggs etc? Well, not in our case. There are lots of preparations for us to do for our upcoming hike, Gröna Bandet, and some of them has already started.
It’s official!
So, now with just over three months left until it's time, we have decided to make it really official. Our upcoming adventure! It's called Gröna Bandet (lit. Green Ribbon) and is a hike through the Swedish mountain range. From Treriksröset to Grövelsjön (or the other direction). We actually signed up a few months ago but had to sort some things out before telling everyone. But now it's out in the open, and we hope to share our thoughts and experiences both in planning our Gröna Band but also during the hike itself.